“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Hi, I have been diagnosed with general anxiety two years ago.

by | Aug 18, 2014 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Hi,I have been diagnosed with general anxiety two years ago. I’ve been prescribed benzodiazepines in low doses such as 2 mg. of Diazepam a day. As time went by I started taking higher and higher doses of diazepam. The last time I took it I was at 20 mg daily dose, so I couldn’t physically bear it and I cut it.It’s been 9 days with no single mg of Diazepam and I feel awful. The dizziness and the panic attacks I had previously have gone at least 3 times worse.Can you suggest how to cope with this?
– Jane N.

A: I’m afraid it is not possible for me to make a clear recommendation for someone I have not seen. Sometimes panic attacks respond to anti-depressants. Just because you have not responded to one or another does not mean you will not respond to still another, or, more commonly, a combination. Panic attacks in some cases can be treated with cognitive-behavioral treatment. I do not usually recommend benzodiazepines for this condition, although they are commonly prescribed.
– Dr. Neuman


I will cite you from a previous answer…”Having said that, though, I think there is a place for tranquilizers. Someone upset during the day, I think would be best treated as above by dealing with whatever is causing the anxiety. If someone is upset in the evening because of something that cannot be addressed as that time, I think it is perfectly reasonable to take a benzodiazapene to go to sleep. “
- Jane N.