My Fiction Articles

There’ll Be No Castration Tonight.

An excerpt from “The Wicked Son,” a picaresque novel about skepticism and truth, etc. Dr. Aster, who is a psychiatrist on Earth and a wanderer with magical powers in the land of Wendle, has volunteered his services to help a congregation of union members, anarchists,...

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An Improved Literary Rejection Letter

An Improved Rejection Letter (Can be customized) As most authors, and aspiring authors, know, it is standard procedure to send your manuscript to a publishing house (or agent) with a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that the manuscript– which they expect to reject–...

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The National Baby Test

There was a time when I served as a psychiatric consultant to a television program called “The Baby Game,” in which crawling babies competed with each other to be the first to reach their mothers who were jumping up and down at the other end of a rug. They also...

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