“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Fredric Neuman MD

Dr. Neuman dedicated himself to helping people through his “Ask Dr. Neuman” advice column. We hope you or someone you know can get helpful advice from the many articles Dr. Neuman wrote throughout many years.

28-year-old woman and i had a breakdown

Q: Dear Dr. Neuman, I’m a 28 year old woman and I had a breakdown when my boyfriend and I broke up. Most of family is dead and when my other relationships ended I was more focused on my mom dying ( I took care of her when from 21-23 when she died from cancer), or...

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Dear doctor, need your advice please.

Q: Dear doctor, need your advice please. I was working part time since a year. Now, I am doing a full 9 hours with an hours commute, 6 days a week. Plus i have taxing caregiving respinsibilties at home. Life is a blur of duty now. I feel exhausted and very very hungry...

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Hi doctor, please guide me.

Q: Hi doctor, please guide me. I am in my late thirties. I have lost a lot of weight and am 10 lbs frm my target weight. But my face is gaunt and looking older and wasted by my belly is still out !! What do I do…as it is my arms are looking skinny but my middle is...

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