“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Fredric Neuman MD

Dr. Neuman dedicated himself to helping people through his “Ask Dr. Neuman” advice column. We hope you or someone you know can get helpful advice from the many articles Dr. Neuman wrote throughout many years.

My doctor thinks i am paranoid.

Q: My doctor thinks i am paranoid. He has asked me to go on anti psychotic medication (risperdal+cogentin) but i think he is wrong. I am biploar and suffer from anxiety and depression. My family thinks he is right but they just dont understand what im going through....

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I read your article on “Dating

Q: I read your article on “Dating: How Far Can I Go To Encourage a Relationship without seeming desperate?” and had to see your opinion on a situation. I’ve had an infatuation with this guy I know for almost 6 years. We were both 18 and 19 at the time when we first...

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I suffer from severe anxiety

Q: I suffer from severe anxiety,and the internet is becoming the latest source of some of my panic attacks.. When I was in junior high school (ages 13-14) I posted a lot of silly things on there, some of which I absolutely cannot delete because I’ve lost access to old...

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What is the psychological/medical term

Q: What is the psychological/medical term to describe someone who is overly concerned what others think of them? - Scott J. A: That problem is often part of a social anxiety, or, for that matter, other phobic states. I do not know if there is a name for that precise...

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