In olden times we always knew who were rooting for when we went to war. We rooted for us. Just like now. But back then we also knew who we were fighting against. We were fighting the Nazis and their friends, the Japanese, known as “the Japs.” Together they were...
Humor Articles
Simona’s Story: An excerpt from”Superpowers.”
Problems choosing a superpower. “…Consider Simona. He lived on the coast of Mexico around the time of the Spanish invasion. He was a fisherman. He asked for the power to feel the waves and know everything that was going on anywhere in the ocean. He could spot schools...
Overcoming Discomfort
Overcoming Discomfort Kim John Un, the ruler of North Korea, has not been seen publicly recently. There has been speculation about the reason. The explanation was finally forthcoming. He has been made uncomfortable by something. There was a moving report today of his...
Questions Nobody Ever Answered: The Big Questions in Life
The big questions in life. Why do people sigh? What is the evolutionary advantage in sighing? Why can some people curl their tongues, making a tunnel, and others cannot? Also, how come some people have ear lobes that are attached to their skulls, and others do not?...
Passing Tests in Order to Vote
Restrictions on Voting. There have been attempts to regulate voting in a number of states over a period of a number of years. The principle effort, mostly conducted in Republican controlled states, has been to eliminate fraudulent voting (of which there seems to be...
Should We Make Pi Exactly Equal to Three? Applied “Creationist Mathematics.”
“Creationist Mathematics.” A long time ago, when I was a psychiatric resident, one of the patients on our ward entertained all the residents by giving a lecture on certain advances in mathematics that he had invented. We sat attentively while he drew on a blackboard...
Is the Pope Too Committed to Christianity? The House Republicans Take a Stand
A few weeks ago most House Republicans refused to extend to the Pope honors offered to other world leaders. According to one of the Republicans, he seemed “too liberal.” Apparently they were responding to remarks he made which could be construed as favoring ordinary...
Should We Discourage the The Practice of Executing Sorcerers?
Should we discourage the practice of executing witches? It has recently been reported in the newspapers that Saudi Arabia has beheaded nineteen criminals, including one person who had been caught practicing sorcery. The Saudis consider sorcery a serious crime and go...
A Solution to the Problem of Income Inequality: Separate but Equal
There has been a lot of talk recently about the growing inequality in income between the very rich and everyone else, especially the very poor. Also the very rich have accumulated more money. Their wealth grows from generation to generation, according to Thomas...
A Solution to the Border Crisis in Texas: A Moat
Mr. Louie Gohmert, who is a Republican congressman from Texas, spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives recently about the dire situation in Texas resulting from thousands of children streaming into Texas from Mexico unaccompanied by anyone and...
Cocktail Parties and Psychiatrists.
I can’t see any deeper than anyone else. I think most of the people I know now, friends and acquaintances, treat me like everyone else. They do not seem to consider me to be any smarter or insightful just because I am a psychiatrist. And that is certainly the truth of...
Perverted Bears Caught in the Act! A possible explanation for fellatio.
Perverted Bears Caught in the Act! A possible explanation for fellatio Disclaimer: First off, I want to say that I do not claim to have observed these bears. I don’t personally know anything at all about bears. If you told me that bears had sex while humming a Beatles...