Special Worries Articles

Mirrors Lie

I always feel amused (when I don’t feel annoyed) by therapists of one sort or another telling people to “trust their instincts.” The truth is, people should not trust their instincts– if instincts refer to their immediate perceptions and/or their judgment. The reason...

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A Strategy for Confronting Fears

The best way of dealing with any fear, rational or irrational, is to confront it. I think this is conventional wisdom. Everyone has the experience of growing up and being afraid of all sorts of things: the monster under the bed, standing up in class, being left home...

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Planning and/or Worrying

It is often said, “It does no good to worry.”  Why, then, do people worry?  In particular, it is often said, “It does no good to worry about things you can’t do anything about.” Of course, the kinds of things people worry about are precisely those things...

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Always late

In my last post, I suggested I didn’t really understand why some people, more than other people, tend to procrastinate. A related and sometimes overlapping problem, is why some people are chronically late. I don’t really understand this either. Consider these three...

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Everyone tends to put off doing things that are unpleasant. Some of these things seem inherently unpleasant, such as paying bills, writing up a resume, cleaning the attic, and so on. People procrastinate at other things also, which may not seem to everyone to be...

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