“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Dear doctor. …have a tough one for you…sorry.

by | Oct 31, 2013 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Dear doctor. …have a tough one for you…sorry. I am a single gay man in his late thirties. It’s hard enough for men and women to find partners..what am I to do. I don’t live in a very open city..plus all the men I meet are only intrested in one time sex or an apparently impossibly handsome and accomplished partner…or in Most cases..no partner. What hope can i have of finding someone and meaning in my life.
– Jd

A: There are gay sites and gay clubs that people congregate in. I’m afraid I do not know very much about this. If you reach one of the sites and contact anyone, I assume the people there will be able to put you in touch with others.
– Dr. Neuman