“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Dr. I have agoraphobia and have read your writings

by | Jul 27, 2014 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Dr. I have agoraphobia and have read your writings about being able to cure it. I live in the Princeton,no area and would like ask you if there are psychiatrists in my area who believe in what you believe. Also would it help for me to purchase your books on agoraphobia and an 8 week kWorkbook that came up under amazon when I saw your book. I want to end this hell I have been living for years and want to do it in the best and most efficient manner possible. Please write back to me as son as you can. I would like to be able to converse with you or an associate and hope there is a way to do this.I look forward to hearing from you.
– Robert G

A: The White Plains  Hospital Anxiety and Phobia Center offers an intensive program for out of state patients. Depending on how severe your phobia is, you might be able to attend one of our regular 8 week clinics. By all means, look at the “Fighting Fear” book (also released as “Rising Above Fear.” That will  give you an idea about how the program works (although some patients have been able to do it on their own.) Judy Chessa might know of a therapist closer to you.
– Dr. Neuman