“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Hello Doctor, Request your advise. I am using Nicotine chewing gum

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Hello Doctor, Request your advise. I am using Nicotine chewing gum to help me quit smoking. I find that if I take one fourth tablet of alprazolam .25 every day, my craving for smoking reduces and I have more success with the gum. I just wanted your inputs on whether this dosage (which I feel is very small and probably only has a placebo effect), can have any dependency or adverse effects or make me me anxious in the long run. I feel no side effects like sleepiness or anything. It seems to be suiting me, have been using it for a week ten days now. Would appreciate your inputs, Thanks so much.
– Derek

A: Using this small a dose of Xanax in this way is fine.
– Dr. Neuman