“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Hello Dr, Apart from social anxiety

by | Apr 15, 2014 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Hello Dr, Apart from social anxiety,I have driving phobia.I feel that if I drive,then I will get into an accident ,so I was avoiding it.Now that I realize that it is a phobia,and I can do something about it,I am trying to drive as much as I can(I have only learner’s permit,so i cant drive independently anyways).Would like to know what I need to do to get rid of the phobiathanks
– Ginny

A: You are a new driver, so you should make sure that you are competent. Your teacher should be able to tell you. If your fear is irrational (exaggerated) it will go away with experience. Drive as much as you can.
– Dr. Neuman


I only have panic attacks when I drive on highways. I am 62 years and have no fear of driving a car locally. I feel like the panic attacks on the highway are very visual and are affected also by the speed rate. They have, however, caused extreme anxiety and panic starting the day before I know I must go. I do go. I spend too much time pulled over on the shoulder or exiting at the next off ramp. sitting on the shoulder of a busy highway is dangerous but it relieves panic momentarily. Any help would be appreciated.
- Janet O'Brien LYNN

What you describe is typical for those who are confronting a driving phobia. I recommend, first of all, getting in the middle lane and driving at the speed limit. Try to resist the urge to brake over and over again. Keep in mind that panic attacks while driving do not lead to accidents (so far, in the 40 years I have been treating this condition.) And then practice. Start with what you can do, then progress as soon as you can to highways, then to unfamiliar highways, etc.
- Dr. Neuman

Drive a lot. The only way anyone learns not to be afraid is by confronting the fearful situation. A child learns there is no monster under the bed by looking under the bed. Such experiences may have to be repeated many times before the fear goes away.
- Dr. Neuman