“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

My doctor thinks i am paranoid.

by | Oct 29, 2013 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: My doctor thinks i am paranoid. He has asked me to go on anti psychotic medication (risperdal+cogentin) but i think he is wrong. I am biploar and suffer from anxiety and depression. My family thinks he is right but they just dont understand what im going through. People at work don’t cooperate i with me. My boss gives me wrong passwords to run reports so that cant do my job. What should I do?
– Alice Q.

A: The drugs you mention are sometimes given to people who are simply depressed and anxious. I think if you are concerned that your doctor is not making the right diagnosis, you can get a second opinion. I am usually inclined to recommend that patients follow their doctors’ advice.
– Dr. Neuman