The big questions in life.
- Why do people sigh? What is the evolutionary advantage in sighing?
- Why can some people curl their tongues, making a tunnel, and others cannot? Also, how come some people have ear lobes that are attached to their skulls, and others do not? What does evolution have to say about these matters?
- Why do people always clap with the same hand above the other?
- How come nobody ever sneezes when they are asleep?
- Why do different people walk differently?
- What happens if someone hiccups and sneezes at the same time?
- What makes the belly button of a little child turn into an “insy” from an “outsy” over time?
- Why do men need nipples?
- Why is pubic hair curly?
- How come some men go bald from the top to the sides and others from front to back? And women go bald slowly all around at the same time?
- Why do some people like to sleep lying on their sides and others on their back, and a smaller number on their bellies?
- How come humans have ten toes and ten fingers and frogs have ten toes but only eight fingers? How come human beings in comic strips have only eight fingers, like frogs?
- How come some people cannot control farting and other people have such good control they can play a song when they fart? Does farting well provide an evolutionary advantage?
- Why do fingernails grow out from back to front instead of in some other direction?
- Why will some people laugh at a particular joke and others will not? How come people will not laugh at the same joke if they have heard it before?
- How come certain animals, like humans, have knees that come forward when they bend and others, like some birds, have knees that bend backwards?
- How come some people have tongues that are too big to fit in their mouths?
- Why do people have wisdom teeth if they have to be taken out all the time?
- Does everyone in the world have a deviated septum? If not, is it safe to have a septum that is not deviated even a little bit?
- How come people are the way they are? (c) Fredric Neuman