“Ask Dr. Neuman”

Advice Column

Would appreciate some perspective on this Doctor.

by | Sep 9, 2013 | Ask Dr Neuman

Q: Would appreciate some perspective on this Doctor. I (male) have been very hairy since teenage, am 37 now. Single, dating on and off. To cut a long and banal story short and get to the point, I find it unsatisfying to be intimate without properly shaving at least my entire chest, if not legs. I find this grooming quite cumbersome and frustrating that most times I rather not get intimate at all. I know how ridiculous all this sounds but I feel I am held back and feel constantly unprepared and unready due to this. I’ve considered laser treatment but it’s too expensive. Is my perspective skewed, or am I simply lazy or just plain shallow etc. Would appreciate your thoughts….
– Sam B.

A: I haven’t seen your chest, and I can’t know how much of a deformity you have. I can tell you that no female has ever indicated to me that they were turned off by a hairy guy. A few have commented to me just how hairy someone was–sometimes with amusement–but not with disgust. If that is the reason you have not dated much or married. I would think any amount of money would be worth spending to cure this problem dermatologically –if that is possible. But my guess is that you are probably self-conscious for other reasons.
– Dr. Neuman