Humor Articles

There’ll Be No Castration Tonight.

An excerpt from “The Wicked Son,” a picaresque novel about skepticism and truth, etc. Dr. Aster, who is a psychiatrist on Earth and a wanderer with magical powers in the land of Wendle, has volunteered his services to help a congregation of union members, anarchists,...

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Disarming a Man Wielding a Knife

On a psychiatric ward. This is a trick that works every time. Imagine a patient on a psychiatric ward who has managed to obtain a knife and is menacing everyone with it. I have no trouble imagining this scene since I have found myself on a couple of occasions in the...

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An Improved Literary Rejection Letter

An Improved Rejection Letter (Can be customized) As most authors, and aspiring authors, know, it is standard procedure to send your manuscript to a publishing house (or agent) with a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that the manuscript– which they expect to reject–...

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Typos in the Constitution

Cruel and/or unusual punishment The following is an excerpt from a speech I would have given to the “True Independence Day Club” on July 3, 1996 if they had asked me. “Thank you for asking me here today, a special day in our history: the two hundredth and twentieth...

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